
Wednesday 24 October 2012


Some people try to prove God...but God does not want to be proved (like in a lab, trying to put Him in our mind's test tube). He wants to be believed! The place where God clearly says we should prove Him and see is when it comes to giving our substance (like our tithe) to Him. Don't bother yourself trying to prove the "unprovables", for God is omniscient and beyond the logic of science. Just believe, don't agonize about it and complicate issues for yourself. He is God alone...period!
The Bible said "And Abraham believed and it was accounted unto Him for righteousness." Simple obedience to the word of God brought him this far to even be called a friend of God. He didn't at any point pause to think if it was truly God. Once he heard it, he knew it was God who had spoken and believe it and acted on it. True Faith doesn't wait for evidence before it moves. It does seek for proofs before it believes. It doesn't make sense to the natural man with a carnal mind.

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