
Thursday 12 September 2013


"He had to go through Samaria on the way."(Jn. 4:4,NLT) Our unpreparedness to host Jesus shouldn't cause us to think that Jesus is out of reach. He sat by the well of Jacob because He foreknew who was coming there and what was to happen. It was never a coincidence! If it was the writer wouldn't have stated clearly that "Jesus needed to pass through Samaria...". No wonder He chose to stay behind as His disciples went to get food. He knew that this Samaritan woman needed to be saved at that point in time. It didn't matter how many times she had messed up. Once she believed in Jesus as the Messiah, she would be set free and now have access to living water. The time and place God would meet you may not be so special. Just like Jesus met Zacchaeus on a tree and told him He would go to his house. Because it was in the original plan of God for them to meet. Jesus is meeting you too right where you are now. He wants to surprise you. Will you say its a coindence? (Still S.O.F.T) AB@TWDevotional

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