
Thursday 12 September 2013


"For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lasts a lifetime." (Ps. 30:5,NLT) We may talk about how good and loving God is, and turn to forget that He can be angry too. In the Old Testament, God showed His displeasure anytime Israel sinned. He never condoned it. His anger sometimes brought punishments on them. And until they were ready to TURN from their wicked ways, they suffered the consequences. God is loving and merciful; it is an undeniable fact, BUT we cannot take it for granted. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. David did many horrible things in life, but his intimate relationship with God, revealed an aspect of Him (God) that many don't really see. Yes God can be angry, but for a while. It is for a moment; and that is when we choose to return to Him. Never take His loving kindness for granted. God doesn't want to be angry with us like some of the stubborn people in the world. For we are His sheep and the people of His pasture. AB@TWDevotional

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