
Friday, 30 November 2012


I am not a love doctor neither am I an expert. But I believe I have been so much loved I can also share.
What is the proof of love where there is no forgiveness? For God so loved the world that he gave His son to us; not when the world was perfect but when all had sinned and fallen short of His glory. And without the shedding of blood there would have been no forgiveness. We can't hate those who offend us and still be called children of the light: for our father himself is LOVE (personified).
Beloved let us love one another,for love covers multitude of sins. God gave us his son to show the world how much he loved us, while we were yet sinners. So it is our turn to do same.There is also no fear in love. Unless we forgive others we cannot be forgiven. Love doesn't wait for the other to come first but makes the move to restore peace. Whenever we grow in love, we grow into the divine nature of God. Owe no man nothing except love. Let us love each other! @ABTru-worshipa

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