
Monday, 26 November 2012


"Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life"(Prov. 4:23).
One thing that may prevent many Christians from entering Heaven is BITTERNESS! We can tell something is bitter after we have tasted it. And no one would like to keep something bitter in their mouth; not even for a short while. Why then do we want to keep it in our heart for so long? It is poisonous, therefore get rid of it. Don't entertain it, because it can kill you slowly. Many of the heart related diseases can be attributed to such things as bitterness. People are not willing to let go those who have offended them. They boil inside whenever they see these people and their heart beats abnormally. But these people walk about freely whiles you are still offended. Whenever you are offended by someone and you don't deal with it immediately, it becomes chronic and can shorten your life span. "Don't allow the sun to set on your anger". Don't keep bitterness please. @ABTru-worshipa

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