
Monday, 28 April 2014


"Remember what it says: Today when you hear his voice, don't harden your hearts..." (Heb. 3:15, NLT) Over the past few days we have been trying to look at some of the ways through which God speaks to us, to ensure that we don't miss our time of visitation. God deals with each individual uniquely depending on the relationship that person has built with Him. Just as each person has a favorite channel they often tune in to even in the physical, so it is in the spirit. When you want to hear some particular kind of messages, you know which channels to select. Much the same way, if you want to hear from God, there are available channels you can tune in to. You can hear him through His Word, His Son, His Spirit, His creation, through prayer, through other believers, through circumstances and even through music. So it is left to you to be sensitive to know which channel God may be speaking through. But He may try to get your attention, through your favorite channel. Which one is it? AB@TWD

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