
Monday, 28 April 2014


“O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, God of Israel, I have been bold enough to pray this prayer to you because you have revealed all this to your servant, saying, ‘I will build a house for you—a dynasty of kings!’ For you are God, O Sovereign Lord. Your words are truth, and you have promised these good things to your servant. And now, may it please you to bless the house of your servant, so that it may continue forever before you. For you have spoken, and when you grant a blessing to your, servant, O Sovereign Lord, it is an eternal blessing!” (2 Sam. 7:27-29,KJV) One of the attributes of God is that He is Omniscient. People assume that since God is all-knowing, including knowing the hidden things in secret, there is no need reminding Him on anything. But hear what God says: "Put me in remembrance..." (Isa. 43:26,KJV) David reminded God of His word to him. Sometimes it is not about the length of your prayers, but a simple reminder of what God has said in His word concerning you. Yes God needs a reminder! AB@TWD

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