
Monday, 28 April 2014


"Day by day the Lord takes care of the innocent, even in famine they will have more than enough." (Ps.37:18-19,NLT)
Sometimes we may try to understand the ways of God but we never would. MY TESTIMONY: Being in a foreign land for several months with no job and things seem really hard. You wonder how you would manage to survive without having regular income. You have no idea where you would get money for bills and meals, but it just gets sorted. It certainly proves that God is at work! And just when you least expected, God proves Himself faithful. A good job comes your way and then other doors begin to open around the same time. Beloved, our God never sleeps nor slumbers. He is the I AM. He may be quiet and may seem far from reach. Yet He is too close to lose His grip on you. Just like a teacher, He may be quiet during a test, but will always be there to give you His helping hand. When things get tough, just know that its God who has the final say. The days of the upright are glorious. AOG@TWD...Inspiring Hope©

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