
Monday, 13 May 2013


Title: They are F.A.L.S.E

Anything that is not in consonance with the word of God(truth) must be exposed and dealt with before it destroys us. The enemy brings Fear.Anxiety.Lack.Sickness.Envy. (F.A.L.S.E). Let us see the truth shown in God's word and find out what it says about these things.

"For God has not given us a spirit of FEAR..."(2 Tim. 1:7, NKJV).
"Do not be ANXIOUS about anything..."(Phil. 4:6, NIV).
 "A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shall not LACK any thing in it..."(Deut. 8:9, KJV). "
And the Lord will protect you from all SICKNESS..."(Deut. 7:15, NLT).
 "Don't for a minute ENVY careless rebels..."(Prov. 23:17, MSG).

These are the truths the word of God is teaching us. "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Most people have been bound in fear, anxiety, lack, sickness and envy ignorantly. But the time of liberation is NOW. Accept the truth in the word and walk in total freedom. All those things mentioned are F.A.L.S.E! Get rid of them. @ABTruworshipa

For more of such messages kindly visit http://abtru-worshipa.blogspot.com

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