
Friday, 17 May 2013


You can know you have met your angel by the message they carry. It is mostly timely, unexpected and in the nick of time. The message they mostly bring comes to answer to a particular need. No angel is sent without a message. The devil too can dispatch his angels; they never come with a good message, but only to destroy what you even have. That is where you have to discern and know who is from God and who is not. Abraham could discern that the men who were passing were not mere humans and treated them nicely. 

After having something to drink and eat these men decided to disclose their mission to him-what they had actually been sent to go and do in Sodom. And because of that Abraham could plead for his nephew Lot and the family so they would not be destroyed. So just be nice to people. It doesn't matter if you never knew them. You may not know who among them has been sent from God to you. "We are standing on holy grounds; and I know that there are angels all around."

I have also learnt from all these, that your angel actually has your welfare at heart. Always want the best for u. Is affected when you are hurt. And has a duty to prevent you from falling. Even the devil knew that and told Jesus to drop frm the mountain for God had said he would keep his angels charge to hold him lest he dash his foot against a stone. My angel wouldnt want my downfall!


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