
Friday, 31 May 2013


Title: Are you google? (Reloaded)
Scripture: Ezekiel 37:4-7, NLT

"Then he said to me, speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord..! 'Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again! I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.' So I spoke this message, just as he told me. Suddenly as I spoke, there was a rattling noise all across the valley. The bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons."

 It is amazing how God would give specific instructions to Ezekiel on how to handle such a situation. This was because, Ezekiel relied on God. In pretty much the same way, God would tell you how to go about any challenge you find yourself in, if you would come back to Him for answers. Don't pretend you can solve your own puzzle. God offers free consultation so why the hassle? It's complete waste of time. You too can prophesy! @ABTruworshipa

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