Title: Does wisdom come with age?
Scripture: Job 32:6-8, MSG
"This is what Elihu, son of Barakel the Buzite, said: I'm a young man, and you are all old and experienced. That's why I kept quiet and held back from joining the discussion. I kept thinking, 'Experience will tell. The longer you live, the wiser you become.' But I see I was wrong-it's God's Spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty One, that makes wise human insight possible."
Without the Holy Spirit, no man can boast of having understanding. It doesn't matter how old they may be. The spirit of man being truly and genuinely inspired by the Almighty is reason enough for anyone to speak. In such instances, one does not need to be great, aged or reputedly wise. The inspiration of the Holy Spirit is enough. You may be at some place and you don't know the right words to speak.
I see the Spirit of God inspiring you to utter the right words-full of wisdom. Wisdom doesn't come with age but it's the inspiration of the Almighty that makes a person wise. @ABTruworshipa
For more of such messages kindly visit http://abtru-worshipa.blogspot.com; http://www.thetestamentplace.com/abtruworshipa.html; www.africaworships.com; www.facebook.com/TrueWorshipersDevotional
Scripture: Job 32:6-8, MSG
"This is what Elihu, son of Barakel the Buzite, said: I'm a young man, and you are all old and experienced. That's why I kept quiet and held back from joining the discussion. I kept thinking, 'Experience will tell. The longer you live, the wiser you become.' But I see I was wrong-it's God's Spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty One, that makes wise human insight possible."
Without the Holy Spirit, no man can boast of having understanding. It doesn't matter how old they may be. The spirit of man being truly and genuinely inspired by the Almighty is reason enough for anyone to speak. In such instances, one does not need to be great, aged or reputedly wise. The inspiration of the Holy Spirit is enough. You may be at some place and you don't know the right words to speak.
I see the Spirit of God inspiring you to utter the right words-full of wisdom. Wisdom doesn't come with age but it's the inspiration of the Almighty that makes a person wise. @ABTruworshipa
For more of such messages kindly visit http://abtru-worshipa.blogspot.com; http://www.thetestamentplace.com/abtruworshipa.html; www.africaworships.com; www.facebook.com/TrueWorshipersDevotional
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