
Thursday, 27 February 2014



"Iron sharpens iron; so a friend sharpens a friend." (Prov. 27:17, NLT)
The people you keep around you will determine how effective you would become in life. You would either move faster or slowly due to their push or pull. You can never be any much different from your friends. You are just like them, in their belief system, the way they think and talk, and what they prioritize. Therefore be mindful who you allow into your life. A Judas may betray you and an Absalom may try to overthrow you. A King Saul may want to take away your life before you get to your throne and a Delilah may want to seduce you, deceive you and take away your strength and render you powerless. For your life to reach where God has destined it to be, you must filter your contacts. Not everyone around you can help you get to your destination. Some may be destroyers and others may be detractors. Beware! Just like iron sharpens irons, move with people who can bring the best out of you. AB@TWD

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