
Tuesday, 11 February 2014



This topic is to help answer a question asked by a reader two days ago. Question - who are the CALLED and who are the CHOSEN? Matthew 22:14 (NLT) states "For many are called, few are chosen". This is a conclusion on the parable of the wedding dinner that Jesus shared. Heaven was likened to a king who had sent out his servants to notify his invited guests that the wedding dinner was ready. But they refused. As a result, others were invited and they came. But at the feast, a man wearing improper clothes was ordered by the king to be thrown in outer darkness. Everyone one of us who has heard of or read the salvation story of Jesus Christ has been CALLED. God has given you an invitation to come to the banquet in heaven. At that eternal banquet there are specific clothes to wear. These are clothes of righteousness and only those well dressed can enter the banquet (heaven). These are the CHOSEN. What are your credentials? Heaven is near. Are you CALLED and CHOSEN? EN@TWD

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