
Wednesday, 6 November 2013



"The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it."(Gen. 3:6,NLT) The devil deceived her that, when she eats of the fruit God had told them not to eat, she would "be like God". That is, do things like God and perhaps become OMNISCIENT. And was that the case? The same devil is deceiving many people today and making them think that, if they do one thing or the other, their eyes would open and they would "be like God". But there is a way, that seems right unto man, but the end leads to death. This was exactly what happened to the first man. Men have tried all means possible since creation to prove God. We have gone to space and the moon all in an attempt to find out who God is. But our God can not be put inside a test tube to be experimented upon. He is above science! Some things will remain MYSTERY and others will become HISTORY but God is still I AM! AB@TWD

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