
Saturday, 2 November 2013



"Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everything joy will be yours."(Isa. 61:7,NLT) This is a sure word! God being God can allow something that would destabilise an organised setting just to make way for you, and then reorganise the system with you at an advantaged position. He did same to Joseph. The whole land went into serious famine and in the process Joseph was promoted. He was sold into Egypt as a slave, but later became the Prime Minister. Under his supervision food was in abundant supply. His brothers had to travel to where they SOLD him into, to get food to BUY. Those who think they have sold you into slavery, will come to that same place to buy. In God's plan Joseph had to leave his father's house to get closer to his dream. Through some series of events, he found himself in in a foreign land. No matter where you also are now, God is bringing you promotion. Receive it! AB@TWD

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