
Thursday, 12 September 2013


"Andrew, Simon Peter's brother was one of these men who heard what John said and then followed Jesus"(Jn. 1:40,NLT) A time comes in every person's life, when they may have to make a decision to leave something or someone and be hooked to another. Whenever we are in such a valley of decision making, it becomes easier when we are to choose between good and bad. But in the case where we are faced with two good options, it can be very difficult, if not impossible to choose. We can't serve two masters at a time, because we may either love one or hate the other. In such times, you may have to leave where you are, to where you have to be. Sometimes you realize that good is only good enough until you find something better. When Jesus confronted Andrew, he saw Jesus had something more to offer. So he had to decide whether to stay with John or follow Jesus. What decision are you too making? Be mindful; it can affect your entire life. AB@TWDevotional

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