
Friday, 13 September 2013


"This is what the Lord says to Jerusalem: I will be your lawyer to plead your case, and I will avenge you."(Jer. 51:36,NLT) Sometimes you find yourself in certain situations that you feel as though help is coming from nowhere. You then feel like giving up because from the look of things, you have lost your case. But hear these comforting words from the God who never abandons His own. He says, "I will speak on your behalf..." It means you need not worry about what you would say to convince others or justify yourself. He will vindicate you. No matter how 'some way' you feel right now, or how bad things have turned against you in life, God is here to defend you. And He has the final say in all of life's matters and your own is no exception. "Who can command things to happen without the Lord's permission?"(Lam. 3:37,NLT) It is true things may not have gone well and you couldn't even stand to speak for yourself. But your lawyer is in court so take heart. Now court rise! AB@TWDevotional

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