Title: Jesus but why?
Scripture: Matthew.15:26-27,MSG
"Then the woman came back to Jesus, went on her knees and begged. "Master, help me." He said, "It's not right to take bread out of children's mouth and throw it to dogs.".
It is interesting how some people got their miracles, without even calling on Jesus. Whiles others too had to beg, but still to no avail. Jesus wants to know the heart and the motive for asking. Many ask for things they can do without for now. But it is either they want to show others they also have it or to feel they are also close to God to receive from Him. Do you really need that miracle? To what extent can you go to have it? What if God calls you a dog? "Oh, but that would be too harsh", is what I guess might be your reaction.
But let me be candid with you: God doesn't waste His resources. He looks at how badly you need it and how you would cherish it before He gives it out. Swallow your pride and persevere. Even dogs eat the crumps from the master's table. It's all about your faith! @ABTruworshipa
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