
Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Title: Another good idea?

 "There is a way that seems right unto man..." An idea may sound good but may not be the best thing to do. What is the next idea you have? Peter meant no harm when he objected to Jesus' declaration that He was going to die. But Jesus said "Get thee behind me Satan." It was a great idea for Daniel and his friends to eat the food being served from the king's table, but they opted for vegetables, because they couldn't do things just like everyone else. 

Family and friends may give you all the reasons why you have to go a particular direction. But the question is, is that God's idea? If it is not in line with what God has purposed for you, then its just another good idea. Search diligently for what God has for you through His word and you shall be fulfilled. Don't rush to be anything because it sounds good in your EARS. But do what you've been purposed do the rest of your YEARS. What is your next good idea? 

@ABTruworshipa. For more of such messages kindly visit

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