
Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Zech. 4:8-9 "Then another message came to me from the Lord. Zerubbabel is the one who laid the foundation of this temple, AND HE WILL COMPLETE IT. Then you will know that the Lord of Heaven's Armies has sent me." Many people never attempt any project not because they lack ideas or resources, but the fear that they might not complete it. It is one of the devil's deceptions. If the devil was not able to stop God right on the 5th day of His creation but God successfully made man in His own image on the 6th day, then we are unstoppable and can also complete anything we start (once it is a good thing). You shall not lay the foundation for others to enjoy and leave you out. "He that waters, would himself be watered." Don't give up if you still have a lot to do. For "He who has began a good work in you, shall be faithful to complete it. Just take that bold first step, and watch the great things God has prepared right before you. I sense a shift; someone's status is changing NOW! @ABTruworshipa

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