
Monday, 25 February 2013


Anytime I come across, the story of the ten virgins in the Bible, a lot of questions run through my mind. Does it mean that only those virgins were qualified to meet the bridegroom? It is quite interesting. But I think they were used to empasize the fact that, those who are pure in heart and have set themselves apart can make it. "For without HOLINESS, no man can see God." Are you one of such people? Are you separated unto the Lord or you are still at a place where the single mingle? But one other thing that fascinates me, is the fact that even among the virgins, half were branded as wise and the other half as fools. Where would you fall? Begin to set your priorities right. For the son of God will soon appear in His glory. Many people are in church alright, but their lamps have either gone off or about to. And it looks like they don't even have extra oil with them too. David said "Thou word is a lamb unto my feet". Fix your lamb and get an extra oil, if you are a wise virgin! @ABTruworshipa

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