
Friday, 13 June 2014


 "Someday the light of the sun and the moon and the stars will all seem dim to you. Your body will grow feeble, your teeth will decay, and your eyesight will fail..."(Eccl 12:2-3,CEV). Few years ago I was six. Mom and dad organised a super cool birthday for me. I felt like a princess as I blew the fire off my six coloured lit candles at a go. It felt magical. I remember it like yesterday, but amazingly I am grown already. Dear, time is flying like the passing wind, unable to catch it to suit our pace. If you have any childhood memories, it should prompt you on how fast the days are counting. In no time you will be celebrating your 70th birthday. If you have anything to do for God it must be NOW. "Keep your creator in mind while you are young. In years to come, you will be burdened down with troubles and say, I don't enjoy life anymore.."(Eccl 12 :1,CEV) Let us be about His business because tomorrow your grandchild will be wishing you a happy 80th birthday! Be on your toes, for the clock is ticking and you've got little time. KY@TWD...Inspiring Hope!©

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