"What can I do to help you? Elisha asked. Tell me, what do you have in the house?"(2 Kgs. 4:2,NLT) Many of the people God blessed had "something in their hands." Irrespective of how insignificant it was, it became a tool of blessing. God does not expect you to have everything before He can do anything for you or with you. All He needs is your availability and your willingness to offer the little you have. David thought he only had a sling, but by that same weapon Goliath who was fully armed, was defeated. Sampson had just the jaw bone of an ass, but that was all he needed to slay a thousand men. Moses thought he had a mere stick for a rod, but when he offered it to God and lifted that same rod, the red sea divided into two. I want to challenge you to discover the treasure in this earthen vessel. You have a gift, a potential, a talent, an idea, and that is all you need to be blessed and be a blessing. God would use what is IN HAND to deal with the problem AT HAND! What do you have? AB@TWD
"What can I do to help you? Elisha asked. Tell me, what do you have in the house?"(2 Kgs. 4:2,NLT) Many of the people God blessed had "something in their hands." Irrespective of how insignificant it was, it became a tool of blessing. God does not expect you to have everything before He can do anything for you or with you. All He needs is your availability and your willingness to offer the little you have. David thought he only had a sling, but by that same weapon Goliath who was fully armed, was defeated. Sampson had just the jaw bone of an ass, but that was all he needed to slay a thousand men. Moses thought he had a mere stick for a rod, but when he offered it to God and lifted that same rod, the red sea divided into two. I want to challenge you to discover the treasure in this earthen vessel. You have a gift, a potential, a talent, an idea, and that is all you need to be blessed and be a blessing. God would use what is IN HAND to deal with the problem AT HAND! What do you have? AB@TWD
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