Title: Who is he to you?
Scripture: Mark 8:27-30, NLT
"As they were walking along, he asked them, Who do people say I AM? Well, they replied, some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say you are one of the other prophets. Then he asked them, But who do you say I AM?"
Until you catch a personal revelation of who Christ is, you could be distracted by the views of others. People have a lot to say about who God is, but you must be convinced deep within your heart about who he is. Your relationship with Him will give you a revelation of His person. And when others ask you about your God, you would have a good report to give.
Jesus never suffered from identity crisis. He knew who HE WAS, but He wanted to see if through His relationship with His disciples, they had caught the revelation of who HE IS. Peter answered well and said, "You are Christ; which also means the Messiah." He came as the saviour and that was the revelation Peter had. Now who is He to you too? Don't limit Him. He is the GREAT I AM! AB@TWDevotional
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