Title: Beware of vampires!
Scripture: Prov. 19:4, (NLT)
"Wealth makes many friends, poverty drives them all away." Why am I sharing this with us today? I see some serious financial doors opened for some people reading this message. It is good to alert them, in the form of an encouragement and as a warning. The rich easily get friends, and if they are not vigilant, some wolves would come in sheep skin to devour the blessing they have received. Someone might argue, 'but God protects us?' I agree perfectly, but He equally has given us wisdom to know who to hang out with. "Blessed(happy) is the man, who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly..."(Ps. 1:1). Honey attracts bees and so is wealth. Once you get it, you would also have some uninvited guests in your arena to deal with. You need wisdom to make the right choices and decisions at those crucial times. I see a great and effective door before you, but the adversaries are many. So beware of those vampires! @ABTruworshipa. For more of such messages visit: http://abtru-worshipa.blogspot.com
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