Title: Can you keep a secret?
Scripture: James 5:16
"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed."
This could be very hard to find in some churches today. Where someone can boldly approach a brother or sister and confess their sins to them without a third person hearing about it. Sometimes its not as though, people don't want to talk or can't get anyone to share with. But as to the right person to be trusted with such issues. People need healing deep inside. And the church is supposed to be a hospital where people with various illnesses could run to and be healed. But its unfortunate how people are bleeding so much right in the church-hospital.
It is interesting to say here that, if David was a member of some church today, he would have been ostracized for what he did to Uriah. David later confessed his sins to Nathan. Confession is two-way: the one to God and the one to a fellow brother. Are you available? Can you keep a secret if someone opened up to you? Selah! AB@TWDevotional
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